The High Plains Humane Society (HPHS) story began in 2010. Chase Gentry and Linda Cross were both serving on the Clovis Animal Task Force. The pair soon realized that the City of Clovis was not addressing the animal issues in the community. The overpopulation crisis was beginning to skyrocket, and euthanasia numbers were staggering. As animal lovers, the two recognized the problem with this. Knowing facing the crisis would be a challenge, Chase and Linda rolled up their sleeves and got to work. That is when the High Plains Humane Society was founded as a 501-C3 under the Chamber of Commerce.
There we so many issues to address in our community. The overpopulation of dogs and cats was overwhelming. Antiquated laws, ordinances and policies were in desperate need of updating. They had their work cut out for them. Nonetheless, they continued working towards bettering the City of Clovis’ animal crisis.
The first step was to began working with Santa Fe Mobile Vet Unit to come to Clovis for spay and neuters. They also administered vaccinations. At the time, our animal shelter was still utilizing gas chamber euthanasia. We fought to ban that type of euthanasia, and introduced the more humane injection method. There have been many obstacles to overcome through the years. However, our organization has remained steadfast in fighting for the animals of Clovis.
In 2020, during the height of the pandemic, our co-founder Chase, passed away from COVID-19. Our organization was devastated at the loss. We were more determined than ever to continue his vision.
Since our humble beginnings, HPHS has grown in size and impact, and continually makes great strides in helping Clovis with the animal crisis. We now have our own 501-C3 non-profit organization. We have a medical clinic where we do spay/neuter sterilization for shelter adoptions. HPHS brings in veterinarians from out of state throughout the year for spay/neuter clinics. In addition, we offer drive-through vaccine clinics at the local food bank. Our organization funds vaccinations for all shelter animals upon intake, as well.
Our goal is to improve the quality of life for the animals in Clovis. We promote adoption over shopping for animals with breeders. And, we work closely with rescues and the local shelter to provide homes to animals. Addressing the overpopulation crisis and euthanasia numbers has always been our biggest concern. We will continue to be dedicated to doing our part!
Since 2010, we’ve focused on sterilization of animals in our area. This includes educating the public on being responsible pet owners.
High Plains Humane Society has worked to bring low-cost spay and neuter clinics to the area. In fact, over the years, we’ve successfully sterilized thousands of animals.
Our facility is used for low-cost spay/neuters for adopted shelter pets, as well.
in Adopted
Shelter Animals
In 2016, HPHS successfully advocated for microchipping on all adopted shelter animals. This assists in their safe return to their owners if lost.
Microchipping is such an important part of being a responsible pet owner.
During our vaccination events, we offer low-cost microchipping, to ensure pets are identifiable if ever lost.
for Every
Shelter Animal
In 2023, we began providing core vaccinations for all Clovis shelter animals at intake. Our goal is to prevent illness and the spread of disease.
Parvo and distemper spread quickly in shelters when precautions are not taken. Our efforts show great improvement on the spread in our shelter!

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.
– Margaret Mead –

HPHS Board Members
Our passionate board brings a range of knowledge that delivers exceptional leadership to HPHS. We are a team of animal lovers with a passion for advocacy.

Linda Cross

Gaye Cooke
Vice President

Ellen Saccoia

Amy Flores

Ernie Kos

Helen Casaus

Michelle Mednik

Kelley Kennedy